Saturday, June 25, 2011

Priyas Dance Party

I could bask in my kids brilliance for eternity! They both continue to surprise me everyday!
Last night we went to Zavia's good friend Priyas 3rd birthday party, it was a dance party. Talk about fun! Even though it was past their bed time, both Vada and Zavia danced their little hearts out. I had no idea my boy could dance like that...We had several people come over to us and ask if he was having lessons or where did he learn how to do that. We were just as shocked as everyone else.
Happy Birthday Priya...we hope you had as much fun at your party as we did.

Monday, May 23, 2011

future rockstar!!

A special post for my mum...because she is not a facebook junkie like me, she hasn't seen these photos. Here you go mum, the little dude as requested.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Vada...where's the birdy??

Dear Vada,

You are nearly 14 months old. By now your big brother had almost given up on mummys, my girl, are a different story. Still feeding more than 5 times a day. I love it!
Your expressions and level of communication are growing by the second. You love to point and say "Oooo" to every new thing you see. Looking for birdies is your favourite thing to do outside. You also understand more than we have realised. Just now, when I asked you if you wanted to go outside and take photos, you excitedly nodded your head and squeeled with joy, pointing toward the door. Your dad and I love you more than we can say...and your brother, he just adores you!

You are sweet, and kind, and ours.

Love you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The 'cute'

This 'cute' is just un bearable! How can one little human contain this much absolute adorableness.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


My dearest darling Vada,

There is nothing...
not one thing...
not one single item...
nothing tangible, physical, home made, store bought, handed down item that I can give to you that expresses just how I love you.

I have thought for a long time now what I can get you as a special gift to celebrate this momentous occasion. I have even resorted to asking other mummies and close friends to see if they could think of the perfect thing...something that you can keep and remember as your 'special' gift. The thing that reminds you in years to come that you had a loving, caring, happy childhood. But there simply is nothing!

Sure, we got you a few little presents...presents that I'm sure you will love and enjoy and create cute memories with (I can't go into any further details about them now though as it is not officially your birthday until 9:51am tomorrow). But in time, they will be lost, or broken, or drawn all over, and they will lose some of their 'special-ness' and I wouldn't ever get you something that I put up high in a cupboard that you can't appreciate and enjoy and create those memories with.

I looked and I looked, I promise I looked...I looked high and low, far and wide, I searched all the corners of my brain and my heart for a brilliant idea...

And then I stopped looking for this illusive perfection of a gift!

It doesn't exist!

Because the only thing I can give you that won't be tarnished is my love.

So you see my angel...this is my gift to you...

my love
my time
my attention
my wisdom, for when you know no better
my strength, for when you are down trodden
my comfort, for when you are sick or sad
but most of all my love!
I will love you with every breath in me.
the kind of love that has no conditions,
the kind that is firm yet soft and gentle.

You are my sunshine,
you make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know exactly how I love you,
please don't ever go away.

Happy Birthday Vada cakes,

Love mummy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Our new favourite thing to do...scout our cool, funky bookshops and read together. Vada has some interesting preferences.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The beautiful ones

Believe it or not, I didn't actually ask him to pose like this. What can I say, my boy is a seasoned pro.

I love this girl...

I love how she is like a giant in an ants world...

...but she is still my little baby in this big grown up world.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

yum yum


vegemite sandwiches.

so yummy to eat...
so funny to watch.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Another photo from back in November. She sits up on the big toilet as if it is her throne and she is queen.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday afternoons

This is what Sundays are all about. Hanging out with family and friends and taking a day to rest, relax and recover from what was a very big week.

We had a few milestones this week...It was my birthday on Friday and as I have the most wonderful husband in the world...he booked us in for a night at the Sheraton Noosa, so Zavia had his very first sleep over at Nannas house. Vada also had her very first night alone with mummy and daddy. We had to keep reminding ourselves that she was with us because she is so incredibly quiet.

Always keeping an eye out for her mummy.

My little prince.

Best buddies 4eva!!

Sweet as pie.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Soft and squidgy


At the start of the year we were put to a challenge that I was sure I would have a few good years before we would have to face. HEAD LICE...yes that's right, head lice. The sticky little creatures that are impossible to eradicate without using petrol or kerosene. After finding them and explaining to Zavia why his head was itchy he was sure he could 'hear' the eggs cracking. We put it to Zavia that he could either have his hair shampooed with smelly shampoo or have his hair shaved so he looks like daddy, he hates getting his hair shampooed but the thought of loosing his long hair was far worse in his eyes, so off to the chemist we went. We applied the goop, put the green cap on his head and set the timer for 10 minutes...all things he could cope with. When it came time to wash and comb the nits out, he was begging me to shave his head. I told him that if all the nits were gone when I checked his head in the morning he could keep his hair...sadly...they were not gone.

I was sad at the thought of loosing my long haired little boy, who regularly got mistaken for a girl. I thought he would loose his quirky personality and no longer be the surfy dude that he is. What did we learn???...we learnt that it is only hair. And hair itself doesn't define who we are or the personality we have. He is still my cheeky little monkey with personality galore. He still smiles just as much and tells the same crazy little stories...only now, it doesn't take us twice as long to have a bath at night and we don't have to fight over shampooing and conditioning his hair and then drying it and brushing out all the nots.

He is still my handsome little Zavia.

The joy of my life!

(Disclaimer: the last photo: he is only crying because the hair was sticking to his sweaty little body and itching him...the shaving process he actually enjoyed.)

Fish lips

(an old one)

Water parks are all fun and games until someone gets a fat lip.


I love this photo of Vada and I. Tara came over today to pamper me with a foot scrub and pedicure along with a facial and head was heavenly! After, we headed outside so the kids could ride their bikes on what was a glorious summer day.

Her facial expressions say it all. Its not often she is in control. I bet she is thinking..."hhmmmm...what to do with this kid."

Little lady of leisure. If only we could all be queen for a day and be driven around in a pink chariot.

Monday, January 24, 2011


There is nothing quite as soothing as a big brothers whispers when you are really upset.

Monkey see...monkey do

My crazy boys!

They are so fun one their own, but put them together and they are a barrel of


Just because I love her.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Hmm...where to start...

As you have probably noticed, the 365 project has been suffering. With a heavy heart and a lot of kicking myself, I have decided to stop the 'official' project. After living in denial for quite some time, I had to start getting real with myself and just admit that it was getting too much for me, mentally and physically. I was feeling myself resent the project and the necessity to get a great shot every single day of both kids. The quality of my photos and the process were slipping also. Instead of capturing a true snapshot of each particular day I was just shooting away randomly at whatever was going on when I remembered to pick up the camera. This was never my intention when starting the challenge.

Some may see this as a failure on my part, or giving up, or defeatism...I know I did at first. But after a lot of thought and seeing some home truths, I am looking at this decision with a new prospective, I am choosing to take the view that I am finally getting my priorities in order. I don't mean to imply in any way, shape or form that those who have succeeded in doing a project like this have not had their priorities in order, quite the opposite. I take my hat off to those who manage to juggle babies, toddlers, spouses, housework, friends, life in general AND gorgeous photos every single day. And yes, I am thinking directly of Georgia (who first inspired me to start a project of my own), along with the many other 365 blogs I have discovered along the way. For anyone who hasn't seen Georgia's blog yet...don't wait another second...she continues to blow my mind with her insight and creativity when it comes to capturing the beauty in her life everyday - - you won't regret it!

So with new insight, and a fresh pallet, I feel inspired to start a new project (of sorts). A lot more relaxed with no numbers or keeping track of days and feeling the pressure to succeed EVERY SINGLE DAY. I will endeavour to keep uploading photos of the kids and just our life in general most days. Some days I might only feature one of my cherubs, some days lots of photos of both, and some days maybe just a photo or two of something that has inspired me along my journey for that day...most importantly, some days I won't pick up my camera at all and I will just breath in my babies and enjoy them through the lenses God gave eyes and my heart.

I love these two little kids and the amazing man who helped create them more and more each day and I look forward to continuing to share snippets of our life together, with no end date in sight and in a more relaxed and enjoyable way.
