Thursday, January 27, 2011


At the start of the year we were put to a challenge that I was sure I would have a few good years before we would have to face. HEAD LICE...yes that's right, head lice. The sticky little creatures that are impossible to eradicate without using petrol or kerosene. After finding them and explaining to Zavia why his head was itchy he was sure he could 'hear' the eggs cracking. We put it to Zavia that he could either have his hair shampooed with smelly shampoo or have his hair shaved so he looks like daddy, he hates getting his hair shampooed but the thought of loosing his long hair was far worse in his eyes, so off to the chemist we went. We applied the goop, put the green cap on his head and set the timer for 10 minutes...all things he could cope with. When it came time to wash and comb the nits out, he was begging me to shave his head. I told him that if all the nits were gone when I checked his head in the morning he could keep his hair...sadly...they were not gone.

I was sad at the thought of loosing my long haired little boy, who regularly got mistaken for a girl. I thought he would loose his quirky personality and no longer be the surfy dude that he is. What did we learn???...we learnt that it is only hair. And hair itself doesn't define who we are or the personality we have. He is still my cheeky little monkey with personality galore. He still smiles just as much and tells the same crazy little stories...only now, it doesn't take us twice as long to have a bath at night and we don't have to fight over shampooing and conditioning his hair and then drying it and brushing out all the nots.

He is still my handsome little Zavia.

The joy of my life!

(Disclaimer: the last photo: he is only crying because the hair was sticking to his sweaty little body and itching him...the shaving process he actually enjoyed.)

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