Thursday, December 16, 2010

The little sister

129/365 (Vada)

I love the dynamics between these two. Even at such a young age, Vada knows that sometimes Zavia deserves a good old eye role.


129/365 (Zavia)

My baby boy resembles the mexican walking fish...who would have thought.


128/365 (Vada)

All she needs now is a womb to sit in.

(no photo of Zavia today (insert sad face here.))


127/365 (Vada)

This is Vadas new favourite toy. It is a farm yard magnet set (that was Zavias). It makes animal noises and Vada has started 'mooing' along with it. Very cute.

Dread lock

127/365 (Zavia)

I've always had this dream of giving my little boy dreadlocks.

I never however dreamed of him getting them this way...

I woke up this morning to a blood curdling screech coming from the lounge room. I jumped out of bed and ran down the hallway as fast as my sleepy legs could carry me to find Zavia with his toy drill stuck to his head and still spinning. The button has a mind of its own and often gets stuck in the 'on' mode until you forcibly pull the button 'off'. The poor little boy had put it to his head and got his hair caught in the exposed cog. I grabbed the drill in one hand and the chunk of hair that was caught in the other hand and with my two little fingers tried to turn the stupid toy off while shuffling him into the bathroom where I new their were some scissors. We eventually managed to get him unattached and perused the damage. He now has a bald patch where the hair was ripped from the root and a lovely little dread lock beside it.


126/365 (Vada)

Vada has started a rather annoying habit. Although the pincer action is crucial to her fine motor skill development, I wish she didn't feel the need to practise this skill on me. She manages to grab the smallest amount of skin and not only pinch it but role it between her fingers. OUCH! is a common word in my vocabulary. Good thing I love her unconditionally.

Looking over the presupus

126/365 (Zavia)

The BMX track. What a brilliant concept. Zavia would live here if he had the choice. I was totally shocked at how brave he is getting. Zavia only started riding a bike a few months ago and already attempting the big jumps. I should also state that Ben is holding onto the bike for his own peace of mind...Zavia would have happily done this all by himself.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Not so sure.

125/365 (Vada)

Our girl loves the water. Bath time is the highlight of her day. Cold ocean water though?? She is slowly warming up to the idea.

Surfing with daddy

125/365 (Zavia)

His favourite thing to do.


124/365 (Vada)

My little glamour puss in her new sun hat.


124/365 (Zavia)

Just another one of Zavias many expressions. Waiting in the car is never a fun experience when there is so much world to explore.

Monday, November 29, 2010


123/365 (Vada)

Hmm...what should I do with this? It follows me around everywhere. I know, I'll do what I do with everything else...I'll munch it!!

Harry high pants

123/365 (Zavia)

He has such spunk. I don't even know where he gets this from.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


122/365 (Vada)

Just like her brother, Vada also loves the water. This was her very first under water experience and although she took in a little water during our swim and got a little cold, overall she loved it. She was so brave, I'm so proud of her.

So natural

122/365 (Zavia)

Most three year olds who put their face under water squeeze their eyes shut, pinch their mouths tightly closed and come up as soon as possible...not my boy. Eyes wide open, mouth wide open, he stays under for the longest time. He makes me nervous but I'm so over joyed that he loves the water as much as I did as a kid.

Cup day

121/365 (Vada)

In honour of Melbourne Cup, Vada dressed in her prettiest nappy and wore her fascinator for the big race. Who says you have to go out to enjoy the race that stops a nation.

mud puddles

121/365 (Zavia)

As I sat in the house today, I could hear what sounded like someone watering a garden. As we only have one neighbour and his car wasn't in the driveway, I thought it would be best to go and investigate this noise. I followed the sound outside where the clothes line is and found my cheeky little monkey with the hose, making a lovely muddy mess for his cars and trucks to drive through.


120/365 (Vada)

I love every inch of her chub. Her thunder thighs, her dimpled bottom, the rolls on her arms and wrists. She is a round little bundle of delight.

Bath otter

120/365 (Zavia)

I love having a proper bath. In our last house, the bath was just a deep shower base. This bath however, is large enough for Zavia to swim laps and swim laps he does.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Keeping up

119/365 (Vada)

Vada is a trooper! On weekends, it is quite normal for her usual routine to go out the window. She tries her hardest to keep up with the big kids but sometimes her body clock gets the better of her and she just has to give in.

There is nothing like...

119/365 (Zavia)

There is nothing like...getting dumped in the surf when you have a head cold. Clears out the air ways.

There is nothing like...checking out the surf at sunset.

There is nothing like...spending the afternoon with family at the beach, riding bikes, building sandcastles, surfing with Dad, and finishing off this perfect day with fish and chips and an ice-cream.

Raspberry anyone?

118/365 (Vada)


118/365 (Zavia)

To my absolute amazement, Zavia loves sushi (or Shoo-shi) as he likes to call it. Ben had a very late lunch today on his way home from work so he didn't feel like having alot for dinner...all the more for Zavia and I. Between the two of us we polished off about 5 large rolls. Looks like we can take Zavia along to Japan with us afterall.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


117/365 (Vada)

You know they have had a good sleep when they wake up with a sweaty head. That has been some serious sleeping going on.


117/365 (Zavia)

Oh how I love thee.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


116/365 (Vada)

It's serious business this eating. Don't come between a girl and her new found love of eating food.

Man stuff

116/365 (Zavia)

I love not being involved in every part of his life. I know this sounds like a strange comment, but it's true. I love walking in on Ben and Zavia having conversations and doing 'man' things. I love that he is growing up to be a strong independant little fella. Today I walked in on some tire punture testing in the laundry. He told me that Daddy is going to fix his bike and they will ride bikes TOGETHER!!

Baby sitter

115/365 (Vada)

Somedays I just have to get stuff done, like when the washing piles up or the dishes get out of control. The mirror is always good for an amusing half hour. She loves to chat and pat the cute girl looking back at her. They are good mates. I hope she always sees herself in this light.

Fireman Sam

115/365 (Zavia)

"I'm hot, I'm hot
I'm oh so hot,
I'm the hottest of the hottest,
of the very hot stuff...yeah!!

This is what Fireman Sam teaches Zavia.

Daddy day care

114/365 (Vada)

This is Bens idea of looking after Vada and insect protection. It's good to see he will take the shirt off his own back to protect his girl from bighties.

My big boy

114/365 (Zavia)

I can't believe how fast my little boy is growing into a big boy. He rides his bike like a seasoned pro and has the attitude to go along with it. I love watching his progress.


113/365 (Vada)

Vada knows exactly what to do to get her daddy to wake up.

(Unfortunately there is no photo of Zavia for this day)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Holding on for dear life

112/365 (Vada)

Sitting is still a new sensation.

And for Grandma who doesn't get to see her as often as she would like...a cheeky grin.


112/365 (Zavia)

I can remember vividly the feeling of walking in my gumboots filled with water. Zavia didn't have puddles to play in today so he made his own squelchy goodness.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Water colours

111/365 (Vada)

When will I learn not to give water colour pencils to my children???

Please mummy

111/365 (Zavia)

Dear Mummy,
please don't go mad at me when I jump around like a goose while your trying to take photos of me. I am only 3 and I jump around like a goose because I'm happy.
Love Zavia

Dear Zavia,
I am sorry! Please keep jumping around like a goose and please keep being happy.
Love Mummy


110/365 (Vada)

I would look nervous too Vada if I had a mountain of washing this HUGE sitting precariously behind me.


110/365 (Zavia)

Why oh why did we buy a white lounge?

At least its leather and wipes clean easily.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Afternoon delight

108/365 (Vada)

Having a lovely long sleep in her pram down at the beach. I think this is the first time Vada has slept in her pram...apart from when she was a newborn and shopping for hours bored her.

Aunty Esther

108/365 (Zavia)

Zavia is blessed to have so many doting Aunties. Esther joined us down at Cotton Tree this afternoon for a spot of park play, fishing, swimming and sand cah-hill (castle) building. We love you Esther!