Thursday, October 28, 2010

Holding on for dear life

112/365 (Vada)

Sitting is still a new sensation.

And for Grandma who doesn't get to see her as often as she would like...a cheeky grin.


112/365 (Zavia)

I can remember vividly the feeling of walking in my gumboots filled with water. Zavia didn't have puddles to play in today so he made his own squelchy goodness.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Water colours

111/365 (Vada)

When will I learn not to give water colour pencils to my children???

Please mummy

111/365 (Zavia)

Dear Mummy,
please don't go mad at me when I jump around like a goose while your trying to take photos of me. I am only 3 and I jump around like a goose because I'm happy.
Love Zavia

Dear Zavia,
I am sorry! Please keep jumping around like a goose and please keep being happy.
Love Mummy


110/365 (Vada)

I would look nervous too Vada if I had a mountain of washing this HUGE sitting precariously behind me.


110/365 (Zavia)

Why oh why did we buy a white lounge?

At least its leather and wipes clean easily.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Afternoon delight

108/365 (Vada)

Having a lovely long sleep in her pram down at the beach. I think this is the first time Vada has slept in her pram...apart from when she was a newborn and shopping for hours bored her.

Aunty Esther

108/365 (Zavia)

Zavia is blessed to have so many doting Aunties. Esther joined us down at Cotton Tree this afternoon for a spot of park play, fishing, swimming and sand cah-hill (castle) building. We love you Esther!

Sweet dreams

107/365 (Vada)

I was upset that again today I didn't get any photos of the kids. That was until I looked through the camera and found Bens sneaky camera action in the early hours of the morning. I am so greatful for Ben and his adoration for our babies...and me for that matter.


107/365 (Zavia)

My very favourite place to be...tucked in between my two sweet angels...and Ben watching over us.

Neck roles

106/365 (Vada)

Even with her neck extended back she is still covered in roles.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bumble Bee

106/365 (Zavia)

One of Zavias favourite toys at the moment is his bumble bee transformer car that Hendrix gave him for his birthday. It is never far away from him...he even sleeps with it.


105/365 (Vada)

Vada hasn't been feeling well. She woke at 3am this morning with a rather high temperature. I'm not sure if she is teething or coming down with something...either way, it's not fun to watch my precious angel feel miserable. The rings for the sling I made last week arrived in the mail today so I figured it was a perfect day to test it out as comfort was exactly what the doctor (dr. mum) ordered. She happily fed and slept in it most of the day.


105/365 (Zavia)

And in a flash of light...he was gone!!

Friday, October 15, 2010


104/365 (Vada)

Not even the sourest lemon can take the sweet away from this child.


104/365 (Zavia)

He has been a water babe from day one.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


103/365 (Vada)


103/365 (Zavia)

Snuggles with his favourite little girl

Dance lessons

102/365 (Vada)

Teaching Elmo to dance...or was Elmo teaching Vada???


102/365 (Zavia)

Apparently there wasn't enough colour in his day.

What you lookin at??

101/365 (Vada)

Having a sneaky meal with daddy.

My creative type

101/365 (Zavia)

I'm so glad he loves to paint and draw and make things. I also love it when he asks us to sharpen his pencils..."can you sharp this one?"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's all about angles

100/365 (Vada)

I'm loving this new angle I can shoot Vada from. Sitting up is the bomb diggity!!

ever so sleepy

100/365 (Zavia)

I am afraid the day sleep is being squeezed out. Sometimes he lays in his room for hours but still will not sleep. He is happy and content to just hang in his room, singing songs to his teddies or playing with his torch under the blankets. Even with mandatory 'rest' time, he still struggles to keep up come bed time. Tonight I cooked a lasagna but I knew it was going to be late (as I got held up come prep time) so I made the decision to give Zavia mince on toast instead. Even with an earlier than normal dinner his eyes still succumbed to the heaviness of some sweet sweet slumber.

Monday, October 11, 2010


99/365 (Vada)

I try to get Vada to have two 2 hour sleeps during the day, She doesn't always get this memo. Today she woke after 45 minutes so I strapped her in the ring sling to try to encourage a little more shut eye. Then I decided she looked so cute that we should take some photos in the mirror. This sounded like way more fun to her than sleeping.

Boob man

99/365 (Zavia)

I could see Zavia had a huge smile on his face as he walked behind the couch and around the corner. Then I saw why he was grinning from ear to ear. We both burst out laughing. He said..."now baby Wada can drink my milk".


98/365 (Vada)

This is turning into a week of milestones...yesterday it was sitting on her own, today it's two little teeth peeping through her gums.

Clothes horse

98/365 (Zavia)

Zavia wanted to 'help' me fold the washing today. This included unfolding all the already folded washing and putting it all on at the same time. This would usually send me over the edge as it is just wasted time...but I'm learning to chill out and just go with the flow...who cares if I have to re-fold washing if it means he has had a good time.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Clever girl

97/365 (Vada)

Of course in my last post for Vada I had to mention that she wasn't sitting up on her own yet...she had to prove me wrong.

The arteeest

97/365 (Zavia)

Zavia has some very special little friends. All of them he cherishes. Today we painted them some pictures, and put them in envelopes ready to be sent in the mail.

Mirror mirror, on the wall...

96/365 (Vada)

Vada is the fairest of them all!

I've been wanting to capture Vada looking at herself in the mirror for a while now. As she's not sitting on her own yet, it has been quite hard. So today I put a mirror on the floor and let her reflect for as long as she wanted. The baby staring back eventually said something mean and it all ended in tears.

Mr fix it

96/365 (Zavia)

Zavia will have to do something with his hands when he grows up. Whenever something needs to be fixed he gets his tools and says, "fix, fix, fix, fix" until it is done.

The dream feed.

95/365 (Vada)

It truly is a dream to feed this girl. Vadas last feed for the day is around 10pm...then she sleeps through the night till 7am...when her daddy brings her into bed with me so I can have just a few more minutes of shut eye before the chaos of my day begins.

The 10pm feed is called a dream feed because the aim is to get bub out of bed without waking them and letting them feed while still asleep. I love watching this process take place because even in her deepest sleep she knows exactly what to do and also sometimes lets out a little smile and moan as she nestles into her favourite place on earth.

As the weeks roll on past her 6 month birthday I fear this time is coming to an end way sooner than I want. I fed her big brother for 14 months and I pray and hope she feeds for longer than this. The last 6 months has gone like a flash and before I know it she will be big and grown and no longer need me for her sustenance. For the time being though, I endevour to enjoy every second that she is at the breast...and after that, I will just have to hold onto these memories in my dreams.

My pride and joy

95/365 (Zavia)

He is one of my greatest accomplishments. I don't mean to be boastful or proud but he really is a remarkable little boy.

When I prepared myself for the arrival of our first baby, I couldn't seam to imagine past newborn stage. I bought baby clothes, organised a cot, change table, baby monitor, pram and every other thing imaginable to do with babies. I dreamt about holding the baby, feeding the baby, singing lullabies to the baby, changing a tiny baby bum...not once in the nine months of my pregnancy did I ever imagine hanging out with this cool kid who oozes spunk and cheeky charm. I couldn't even fathom the day that he would hold conversations with me and say things like, "your a cool mummy mum". It amazes me still to this day when he snuggles up beside me and gently asks, "are you happy mum?" and if I feel sick or sad he immediately lays a hand on me and prays for me to feel better.

I am truely so blessed to be chosen as his mum. I'll love him till the day I die...and beyond.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


94/365 (Vada)

She looks so tiny in her bed...even though she is over half the length of it now. Ben and I often go in at night and just stare at the kids sleeping.


94/365 (Zavia)

I don't like this photo AT ALL! He looks way too peaceful with his arms perfectly crossed on his body. I hope I never have to see him like this again.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

First food

93/365 (Vada)

She has sucked on an apple, had a spec of mashed potatoe off Bens fork, but today was officially Vadas first day of eating solids. We are starting with pumpkin...she is NOT a fan. After the novelty wore off of being allowed to eat what was on the spoon she was grabbing it was all down hill from there. The scrunched up faces, the shivering in begins. She was quite pleased to look at her grubby face in the video camera though.

Milk moe

93/365 (Zavia)

Show off!

Tie dye

92/365 (Vada)

Look out world...there is more tie dye coming your way. I've gone bizerk with dyeing the kids clothes. Anythink white I can get my hands on turns into a rainbow wonder.

Creative play

92/365 (Zavia)

He found an empty shelf to play in. If only Mary Poppins would come over and play 'lets clean up the linen cupboard' with him.

Tough day

91/365 (Vada)

We had an eventful day today. It was our first venture out of the house in what seams like weeks...and I passed out in Target. Literally, passed out. Turns out Im fine. But it was a tough day for the kids. Strangers buzzing around, ambulance officers poking and prodding there mummy, Aunty Winnie having to pick us up and leaving our car in the Plaza car park. She will sleep well tonight.